Laying high emphasis on evolution, our design works like a tree, planted as a seed, nurtured with a lot of passion and fresh ideas, finally branching into several inimitable directions.
Creativity takes us to a world that one has never seen and never will see unless we show it to them through our eyes. Our creations are merely fragments of the untouched realms of our imagination that we find worthy of sharing. We see things with the mind’s eye and listen with our hearts to hear what the cosmic universe has to offer to us. We allow our intuitive knowing and inner vision to triumph.
 Our design mantra - The ‘THREEE’ is a trinity consisting of our most paramount ideologies that we abide by through this creative journey of ours
  1. EFFICIENCY: when we strike with efficiency and confidence there is no chance of anyone striking us out
  2. EXCLUSIVITY: we live our own story by creating, not recreating. At any given point we pen our ideas down, not photocopy them
  3. EVOLUTION: we have to do things we have never done before to get to places we have never been before
Since honesty dictates our morals and we strive to be true to ourselves, personalisation is one of our most popular design services. We truly believe that fashion is an extension of one’s aura, a means of portraying one’s personality to the world and given that each personality is so special and irreplaceable we want to allow our customers to have the option of adding their own flavour to our fashion. It brings much joy to both, the makers as well as the takers of these personalised garments.