Left with a bikini body, came back with belly rolls? Don’t worry you’re not the only one. Here are five simple steps to instantly lose all that excess baggage you brought back on that flight with you.
1. Make water your new best friend
Most of your holiday weight is water retention from consuming all those fries and other salts (#SaltBae). The best and quickest way to debloat is to consume at least 3 litres of water a day. I make sure to sip on a litre of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner each. It is the easiest and most effective way to ensure I reach my water goals for the day. The right amount of water will keep you full for the most part. Say hello to hydrating and goodbye to overeating!
2. Give your body a quick stretch upon waking up and before you go to bed
Warm up, cool down, give your body that much needed stretch to start and end your day. A boost in blood circulation will further help get rid of that bloated balloon like feeling. All you need is 5 minutes before you enter and leave your bed. Stretch in any way you please.
3. Do NOT go on a diet
No amounts of kale, juice cleanses or any other diets are really sustainable. I have one rule and one rule only - eat as you please but only when you are hungry. Tune in and listen to your body, if you really are hungry, you must eat or you will send your body into flight or fight mode which will only result in further weight gain out of stress.
4. Let go of that guilt
It’s not so much what you eat as it is the emotion you eat it with. No more carrying around that weight of regret. You were on holiday halfway around the world and you couldn’t possibly say no to the world’s best peanut butter ice cream, who cares! What is life without a little bit of sugar and spice? Give into cravings because the more you resist, the more it will persist building up a larger-than-life appetite.
5. Sleep before midnight
Our bodies open the repair shop between 10pm – 2am. You sleep too late and you miss your chance to get a complimentary repair for your organs, skin, hair and every part of you! Nothing quite like a Cinderella bedtime curfew. In this case the best way to lose is to snooze, at the right time.
Give these 5 simple steps a try, and if for any reason none of the above work just start planning your next holiday and that should surely do the trick!
x AB